Friday, April 2, 2010


I was raised with great parents. They guided me through life but never forced me to do anything that I truly didn’t want to. Among the things that they thankfully didn’t try and force on me was religion. I was able to believe what I wanted and let my mind wander and absorb all the information possible.

I have never been to a church service in the United States, I have attended funerals and weddings but never sat and listened to a preacher praise the word of God. One of my best Panamanian friends down here is Simon. Simon is a devout Evangelical, he goes to church 4 days a week and is always asking me to come and join him. I have now attended church 3 times and still feel a little skeptical of the whole thing. The Evangelical church is one that is very strict and has many rules regarding clothing and behavior.

My parents were smart enough to raise me with the common sense, do the right thing and to treat others well. In fact I am sure that my brothers and sister will agree that it had a great role into shaping us into people that always want to help others. This was accomplished without any strict rule system and a basic freedom to do what we wanted. The one thing we did have were good role models to lead the way.

I don’t want to offend anyone with my comments about church but I was raised in a country with free speech and believe I have the right to state the way I feel. Having to begin with a warning is one of the reasons that I am wary of the church. I am not able to state my problems with a church without making people angry. They take what is told to them and just believe it as true without ever questioning whether they believe it or not. Then when someone says something contradictory it is a sin and they are shunned.

During one of my three visits to the church with Simon I was told by the preacher that I was not a son of God because I hadn’t been born (religiously) and did not praise the Holy Spirit. Well, if I am a good person and try my best to help everyone in need is that not enough? I do drink alcohol and they consider that a sin, but if I am not hurting others while doing it how can it be so horrible. In excess it could be harmful to the body but studies even show that a glass a day can actually be better for you. If I have a girlfriend I am faithful to her. Being raised in a complete home has raised me with the idea that one man one woman is the way to live. Having respect for others is yet another thing I learned from my parents.

So what I am trying to say is that if I live a good life, I respect others, I try to help those in need, and I treat my body well isn’t that a good life. I believe so. Therefore why does every religious fanatic believe it is his or her job to tell me or anybody else that they are not living a correct life? I don’t go running around telling them that they shouldn’t believe in God, or that they shouldn’t be going to church. Everyone has a choice. Freedom of religion is another right that I was raised with and I believe that includes the right to choose no religion.

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